For anyone who would want a template to build a quick UI inside Maya, the below code should be a good starting point. It creates a UI. It has a float field where the user can enter a value and click the “Set distance button” , which inturn prints out the value. Simple example ! But should be useful.
import pymel.all as pm import math def newPosition(tests_dist): # We should always query back the float field so that we get the actual float value tests_dist = cmds.floatField(tests_dist, q=1, v=1) print tests_dist def testing_window(): ## Make Gui Window windowID = "testing_control" if window(windowID, exists=True): deleteUI(windowID) testing_Gui = window(windowID,title="testing float", widthHeight=(200, 200)) masterLayout = rowColumnLayout(["masterLayout"], numberOfColumns=1, columnWidth=[(1,200)]) text(label="distance") separator(height=10, style="none") text(label="EXAMPLE") separator(height=10, style="none") test_dist = floatField(value = 0.2,precision=4, w = 30) selectAll = button(["Set"],label='Set Distance', width=85, height=26, align='center',command= lambda *args:newPosition(test_dist)) showWindow() def testing_Gui(): if window("testing_Gui", exists = True): deleteUI("testing_Gui") testing_window() testing_Gui()