Movie MakingMovie Tech Virtual production journey of The Lion King Working on the lion king was a wonderful journey with so many incredible memories, here are some highlightsWe all worked hard to develop some new…VivekJuly 19, 2019
Philosophy The Bohemian Rhapsody Experience Hey everyone ! I am excited to share the Bohemian Rhapsody VR experience. In this project I was a VR developer and helped the team solve…VivekSeptember 21, 2016
Philosophy Fun with Tilt Brush We are having lot of fun developing for HTC Vive and I just wanted to share some cool tilt brush samples done by my colleagues.VivekOctober 15, 2015
Philosophy Autodesk character generator to Faceshift If you have used Face-shift software, then you must be knowing how much fun it is to this amazing software. It iseven more fun, if…VivekJuly 20, 2015
Philosophy List of different rendering techniques/categories There are many rendering techniques and algorithms out there in the market. Its some times confusing to know what all rendering techniques are available and…VivekMay 27, 2015
Philosophy Understanding how depth sensing cameras work. When we usually come across depth sensing cameras it is often said that we detect depth by using infrared cameras and topic is closed. In…VivekMay 24, 2015
Philosophy Science360 – Gear VR App – VR JAM UPDATE : We made it to the top 24 apps in VR JAM, here is a review from Engadget. "Science360 is the app we wish…VivekMay 11, 2015